I shot some documentation of my Building Boston video, currently playing on the
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center marquee screens
[https://blog.littlesecretsrecords.com/2012/05/20/art-on-the-marquee/] as part of the Art
Beautiful sculpture here from Charles Sowers. It’s like a diagram from one of my
old science text books come to life in a hypnotically dynamic way.
I’ve been spending the past few months on a public art installation with my
friends at goodgood [http://goodgoodland.com/] and New American Public Art
[http://newamericanpublicart.com/] called “Lighthouse”. The piece
I have yet to see it in person, unfortunately, but I love this video
documentation for Double-Taker (Snout) by Golan Levin
[http://vimeo.com/21909117]. I think the movements are terrific—they breathe